Thursday, December 09, 2010

Anonymous Video of Operation Payback | Operation Payback | Mediaite

“Anonymous” Posts Video Describing “Operation Payback” In Defense Of WikiLeaks

by Colby Hall | 12:15 pm, December 9th, 2010

For those unfamiliar with the depths of Internet sub-culture, “Anonymous” is a hard concept to understand. Simply put they are an anonymous crowdsourced set of vigilantes responsible for puling off some of the most newsworthy stunts in Internet history. But past projects like punking Scientology of flooding YouTube with porn fail in comparison to their recent attempts to disrupt the established entities who they deem to have alligned with the wrong side of justice over the WikiLeaks story. Now, in eerie and awesome fashion, a new video has been posted that describes their agenda in the most historic terms.

The video comes with the following text:

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

~George Orwell

“You may think your actions are meaningless and that they won’t help, but that is no excuse, you must still act.”

~ Mahatma Gandhi

“He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither”

~ Ben Franklin Hello World. We are Anonymous. What you do or do not know about us is irrelevant. We have decided to write to you, the media, and all citizens of the free world to inform you of our intentions, potential targets, and our ongoing peaceful campaign for Freedom of Expression. Anonymous is peacefully campaigning for Freedom of Expression everywhere, in all forms, for all platforms.

The recent news of our efforts have been, at best, misinformed. We are not a terrorist organization or a group of “hackers” as governments, demagogues, and the media would have you believe. We are a diverse group that touches every aspect of philosophy, religion, and politics ever conceived by man. At this time, Anonymous, as a distributed consciousness, is focused on protesting peacefully for Freedom of Expression on the Internet. We ask the world to support us, not for our sake, but for your own. When governments control information they control you. We will resist until our dying breath. Pay attention citizens and governments of the world.

History is full of examples that show that governments can change when people stand united.

As an example in recent history: During the Civil Rights Movement in the United States in the 1960s access to many businesses were blocked as a peaceful protest against segregation. In their efforts, the protesters of the time managed to make drastic changes to police and governments by refusing to be silenced.

In the spirit and memory of that movement and many others we will refuse to be silenced. We will protest!

It is here that we proclaim: Any individual, organization, corporation, and/or government entity which supports Freedom of Speech and a Free Internet is an ally of Anonymous. If you work to suppress Freedom of Expression and a Free Internet your efforts will be halted. Where others have made this promise and failed, we make this promise and aim to keep it for everyone. We would like to ask that you as a citizen, organization, media entity, or government do the same by joining us.



The debate over the actions of Julian Assange have been hotly discussed in recent days, often in the most hyperbolic terms. The status quo have predictably labeled him a terrorist and enemy combatant, but libertarians and extreme leftists, who both share a deep distrust of governments and secrets, seem to agree that Assange should be labeled a hero.

Operation Payback is a loosely organized effort that is reported to have been responsible for attacking several websites of corporate institutions who have stopped supporting WikiLeaks efforts, namely Mastercard, Visa, Amazon, Paypal’s Blog and Swiss based Postfinance.

Watch the video from Anonymous below:

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  • Atticus Draco Atticus Draco says:
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    The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. … Welcome to the desert… of the real. What if when you woke up, you didn’t know the difference …

  • lane lane says:
    Thumb up 3 Thumb down 18

    I’m not watching the video, just like I don’t watch the ones from Al Quada. But, I will say that Assange and his groups should be properly labeled anarchists. The rest of us are too busy working hard and raising families and contributing to society to care.

    For those companies affected, it’s a good test of their systems. We build in many redundancies and other security plans, and you’ll see the companies will simply get a good test of their systems. We build in all sorts of redundancies not just for outages but also natural disasters.

    The funny thing is, these idiots are too stupid and childish to realize how much companies experience these attacks, and any affects will be temporary and quickly resolved. Hacking isn’t new, and systems are created to handle all sorts of issues like hacking, natural disasters, etc.

  • Atticus Draco Atticus Draco says:
    Thumb up 1 Thumb down 3

    lane said:
    I’m not watching the video, just like I don’t watch the ones from Al Quada. But, I will say that Assange and his groups should be properly labeled anarchists. The rest of us are too busy working hard and raising families and contributing to society to care.

    For those companies affected, it’s a good test of their systems. We build in many redundancies and other security plans, and you’ll see the companies will simply get a good test of their systems. We build in all sorts of redundancies not just for outages but also natural disasters.

    The funny thing is, these idiots are too stupid and childish to realize how much companies experience these attacks, and any affects will be temporary and quickly resolved. Hacking isn’t new, and systems are created to handle all sorts of issues like hacking, natural disasters, etc.

    WOW,, good entry
    i sense you didnt stock up on cheeze whiz during the Y2K debacle?

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    What you do or do not know about us is irrelevant.

    I think the 16 year old hacker that was just arrested in the Netherlands is rethinking that notion right now.

  • The ReaI Royal King The ReaI Royal King says:
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    These hackers support wikileaks which published documents of the Obama administration. Can’t we just label them as racisits and call it a night? Or doesn’t that work anymore?

  • lane lane says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 1

    thx Atticus, Y2K was a lot of work, but the issue was know years in advance, the code was reviewed and fixed.
    It’s just like this, Hackers attack sites all the time, and even too much good activity can bring it down for a bit. None of this is new. Due diligence is boring but very effective.

  • Kitsune Kitsune says:
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    These are people who are in it for a revolution, so they can say they were the ones who shaped history, that it was “their” era. They couldn’t really care about either political ideology. They get off on ruining lives, and figure as long as they start with “acceptable targets” (like Scientology), they’ll have more support when they go for sewing real chaos.

  • Atticus Draco Atticus Draco says:
    Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0

    lane said:
    thx Atticus, Y2K was a lot of work, but the issue was know years in advance, the code was reviewed and fixed.
    It’s just like this, Hackers attack sites all the time, and even too much good activity can bring it down for a bit. None of this is new. Due diligence is boring but very effective.

    i was just joking with ya about the Y2K thing,,
    weak joke i guess,,
    I was impressed about how calm, cool and collected you were in discussing the matter of “Anonymous”
    The way you presented yourself is out of the NORM as of late, compared to what else is being said about it

  • mully mully says:
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    Talking massively out your arse there mate.

  • Pablo Pablo says:
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    mully said:

    Talking massively out your arse there mate.

    How’s that, mate?

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