Saturday, December 04, 2010

John F. Kennedy On Why WikiLeaks Matters | The Moderate Voice

John F. Kennedy On Why WikiLeaks Matters

As the US establishment, and many in the American media, have begun to build up hysteria against WikiLeaks and virtually calling for the assassination of Julian Assange, I am reminded of the warning by President John F. Kennedy which is so relevant even today (See You Tube). Kennedy warned that there was a “danger to the survival of our nation if our traditions don’t survive.”

Kennedy said: “The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. Inherently and historically, we as a people are opposed to secret proceedings and concealment.”

The Guardian reports that “The US struck its first blow against WikiLeaks after pulled the plug on hosting the whistle-blowing website in reaction to heavy political pressure.” More here…

A post on Twitter says: “WikiLeaks: For a change, it’s not China but U.S. that is attacking a Web site and pressuring host & domain providers without a formal charge.”

Funny or mad!!!… In this Internet age the US government departments, including the US State Department, tells employees not to read WikiLeaks!!! The US State Department has directed its staff around the world not to surf the WikiLeaks website, according to employees. More here…

US company Tableau Software admits request from Senator Joe Lieberman made it withdraw graphics, while Social Security Agency warns staff viewing cables could be ‘criminal offence’. See here…

Meanwhile WikiLeaks founder Australian Julian Assange’s mother Christine is defending her son as fighting a good fight, saying she gave him a strong grounding in ethics. More here…

A Pakistani court today rejected a petition seeking a ban on WikiLeaks for releasing thousands of secret US diplomatic cables, with the judge saying the people must know the facts. More here…

Governments around the world today stressed that just because they are trying to crush WikiLeaks to death, it does not necessarily mean that you will be next, says a blogger. See here…

I wrote in an earlier post that the real danger to the USA’s security comes not from WikiLeaks or Osama bin Laden but from the private global banks… See here…

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