Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Kenny Rogers Theory of the Bush Tax Cuts -

Economix - Explaining the Science of Everyday Life

December 2, 2010, 1:17 pm — Updated: 1:47 pm -->

The Kenny Rogers Theory of the Bush Tax Cuts

Did the Democrats make a tactical mistake by not being tougher on the Bush tax cuts for the affluent? Absolutely.

High-income households have received by far the largest pretax raises of any group in recent years. Their tax rates have also dropped by far more. And the country is facing a huge budget deficit. Beyond these economic reasons, there are good political arguments too: Most of the country favors the expiration of the Bush tax cuts on households making more than $250,000 a year.

But should the Democrats start getting tough now? That’s a very different question.

Several other bloggers argue the answer is yes, and their arguments are worth reading. But I want to lay out, in more detail than I did in my recent column, what a hard line position for the Democrats would probably lead to. Once the full chain of events is clear, I’m left thinking the Democrats waited too long and could well compound their earlier mistakes by starting to get tough now.

If the Democrats announced that they simply would not accept an extension of the tax cuts for households making more than $250,000 a year, it couldn’t pass. It certainly could not pass before the tax cuts expire on Dec. 31, because the Democrats still control the House and the Senate. Starting next year, the Republicans could pass any extension they wanted in the House. But it would then die in the Senate, so long as at least 40 Democrats pledged to filibuster it, or President Obama could veto the extension.

The Republicans, though, have made clear that they will not pass a partial extension applying only to income below $250,000. So as of Jan. 1, tax rates will go up for everyone. People would not see an immediate hit to their paychecks, because the Treasury Department would probably wait to adjust the withholding tables, given the uncertainty. But at some point in early 2011, the tables would have to change, and the typical worker would experience a pay cut of something like 2 percent.

This issue would surely come to dominate the political debate. No other significant economic legislation would be likely to pass, including the additional efforts to encourage job creation that the Democrats favor.

Mr. Obama and the Democrats could then make the case they wanted to cut taxes for everyone making less than than $250,000 a year, but the Republicans were holding those tax cuts hostage to tax cuts for the rich. Democrats could paint themselves as the true friends of the middle class, much as Mr. Obama did during the 2008 campaign (when he pledged to cut taxes for everyone but the rich even more than John McCain did). It would be a reasonable case, and I acknowledge that it would have some chance of working.

Here is how the Republicans could respond, however: We have passed a tax cut. It was the first thing we did when we took over the House. All the Democrats have to do is pass it in the Senate and send it to the president, and you’ll have your tax cut. Instead, they’re playing class warfare, trying to raise people’s taxes in the middle of an economic slump. The Democrats had two years to deal with this issue, when they controlled the White House and Congress, but they couldn’t get their own members to agree on raising some people’s taxes. So they left the issue until after the election. Then we won the election. The voters chose our positions. And now the Democrats decide they really, truly do favor raising some people’s taxes?

Would some of this be disingenuous? Of course. That’s natural in politics. But it strikes me as a pretty good political case. It also doesn’t even address arguably the biggest reason for the Democrats to fold.

If everyone’s taxes go up — and Congress enacts no new legislation to create jobs — it’s very likely to have a negative effect on the economy. Just the tax cuts for the rich are unlikely to have a big effect one way or the other. (As I’ve pointed out before, the economy lost jobs for two years after President Bush signed the 2001 tax cuts, and economic growth during his presidency was weak.) But an across-the-board tax increase on all households doesn’t seem like a very good prescription for an economy as troubled as the current one.

Who do you think is likely to receive more blame if the economy remains weak for another year or so – the top Democrat in Washington (Mr. Obama) or the top Republican (John Boehner)?

From my conversations with people on Capitol Hill and in the administration, I think both Republicans and Democrats — many of them, at least — have conducted a thought exercise very much like the one above. That’s why the Republicans are so confident now and the Democrats are in retreat.

To end where I started, the economic case for extending the high-end Bush tax cuts is not an impressive one. Democrats — including Mr. Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and their aides — had their chance to win on this issue. But that chance seems have to come and gone. Kenny Rogers had something to say on this issue.

If you want to read the other side of the argument, check out Brad DeLong, David Cay Johnston, Ezra Klein, Matt Yglesias and, especially, Diane Lim Rogers.


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